Jean Sardi the French Expressionist Oil Painting

Jean Sardi

what started as a hobby would later be a big deal for Jean Sardi, a french painter from Toulon. As a talented and motivated colourist, Jean knows how to use oil on canvas to depict space, happiness, warmth, environment and generosity using elements and tones. The art market recognizes Jean as an influential artist, and many artists and collectors seek his work locally and abroad. That explains his success with numerous exhibitions and public sales. In his art, he perfectly depicts what is intangible, transforming the reality of space into sensations and emotions. As a proud Provence native, his work mainly represents the landscapes of Provence, but it is the bright colour of his canvases that make his paintings stand out and bring out the subject of his work. Read on to discover about this famous french painter and his achievements.

We value paintings because they are pleasing, attractive and satisfying to the eye on a low level. As this link proves, art takes you places, makes you look, think, and feel something, making you more intelligent. It can let you see things from a different perspective, and no one knows that better than Sardi, whose paintings are unique. He depicts his inner thoughts through fictional landscapes known to him, and his subjects result from the ensuing abstraction. Find out more about the famous french painter.

Jean’s background

In 1974, jean Sardi was born in toulon, france. He grew up in Provence throughout his youth, got an education, and married there. Professionally he pursued his career in education and got a job in the north of the country. He was supposed to settle in Marne, but he returned to his native area 10years later because he missed home. Since then, painting became his favourite activity and was the beginning of an artistic career that everyone would admire years later.

He started to draw using paint and water on different surfaces he would come across, including the tiles of his house. Generally, he creatively used oil on cardboard canvases coming up with art that would speak to many. In 1980, he met Jacques Bartoli, a Toulon painter whose studio he frequented to satisfy his interest in art. Another notable artist who influenced Jean is Eugène Baboulène, a great artist of Ecole Toulonnaise. The small world of local painters inspired his career and urged him to pursue his interest in painting. His career climaxed with the following series of awards under his name.

  • 1985: the Grand Prix International de Saint Raphaël.
  • 1986: the Grand Prix de la Ville de Salon de Provence.
  • 1989: the Premier Prix de la Ville de Lyon

Jean has been drawing since childhood which explains why painting became his full-time career in the 1990s. He established his studio in Revest and depicted the light that illuminates the slopes of Mount Caume in an image.

A Provencal expressionist

One of the notable things about Jean is that he is very attached to his native region and uses it as inspiration for his artwork. As a Provençal painter, he combines classic landscapes that define Provence and Corsica, his native areas. On occasions, he also draws inspiration from other regions like Venice, Paris, and New York. He is a provencal expressionist, and many perceive him as one of the leaders of the contemporary provencal school.

His work

Sardi paintings are notable for a shimmering force of large flat areas, Meditarrenian luminosity and fireworks spots. He is an inspired colourist, which explains why he uses the bright colour of the light as the subject matter of his work. His brush strokes are refined, generous and full of colour, and he knows how to bring out what is impalpable, including the environment, warmth, space, and emotions. In most of his paintings, his sense of harmony balances chromatic enthusiasm and dynamism through a composition of horizontals and verticals with tones. At the comfort of his studio, Jean creates seaside and hill landscapes with his speciality mainly focused on marines. His brush strokes depict the ky exceptionally well in intense blue or ochre during summer evenings. In other words, he transforms reality into sensations and emotions everyone can relate to.


So far, Sardi has held several exhibitions and public sales, which have boosted his career significantly. His work has been one of the permanent collections of the Estades gallery, and all its four locations, including Toulon, Paris, Baden-Baden and Lyon, exhibit his work. Jean Sardi is a household name in the art industry, and his paintings are some of the most sought after by collectors in France and other regions, making him one of the greatest oil painters.

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